Category: c.1800 Foot Artillery

Sometimes referred to as the “Spanish hanger”, this sword is thought to be the type carried by foot artillery in the early 1800s. There is no official pattern designation for it; what is known about it mostly comes from period paintings, drawings and Committee reports.

c.1800 Artillery Hanger

c.1800 Foot Artillery Hanger

A c.1800 foot Artillery hanger. These unofficially patterned swords are thought to have been carried by gunners and drivers in the early 1800s.

c.1800 Foot Artillery Hanger

c.1800 foot artillery

C.1800 Foot Artillery

An example of a private purchase c.1800 foot artillery hanger. This rare example still retains its leather scabbard with brass chape.

C.1800 Foot Artillery

c.1800 Foot Artillery hanger

C.1800 Foot Artillery

A good example of a c.1800 foot artillery sword or hanger. In use from about 1790 -1826. It does not have an official pattern designation.

C.1800 Foot Artillery