Category: Swords

The main focus of this website is British swords from ca.1800 to the current era. Though there are a few from other countries within this time frame as well that have wandered into the collection.

While patterned pieces are easily defined as being British or not (though admittedly, British styles were also sold to other countries), swords older than 1800 start to become harder to define by nationality. Thus, the pieces you will find on this site begin to branch out to include other countries when their date of creation predates the third quarter of the 18th century.

If a sword has either a known pattern or generally accepted approximate date of origin, it will be listed under that heading. If a type of sword has a known ‘collector created’ name such as the English Mortuary sword, it will be listed as such. In the event that an item fits within two categories (I cannot think of an example at this moment), it will be listed under both.

1786 Pattern Infantry

1796 Pattern Heavy Cavalry

1796 Pattern Infantry

1803 Pattern Infantry

1804 Pattern Naval

1805 Pattern Naval

1822 Pattern Infantry

1827 Pattern Naval

1827 Pattern Rifle

1827/46 Pattern Naval

1854 Pattern Infantry

1897 Pattern Infantry

American Swords

c.1800 Foot Artillery

c.1800 Private Purchase

Pre-Regulation 17th Century

Pre-Regulation 18th Century

Replicas & Misidentified


Spanish Swords